Try lowering the volume of your built-in speakers.Also be sure to move any hand-held electronic devices (such as an iPhone) away from your mic and speakers, as this can cause feedback. – If you are using a standalone microphone (i.e., not the built-in one on your computer or a headset), try moving it further away from your mouth. Try moving the microphone if using a standalone one.If possible, try using a different USB port.

– Try unplugging your headset or standalone microphone from the computer or device and then replugging it back in. Try unplugging and replugging in your mic.We recommend a using USB headset plugged into your computer (instead of an analog-connected one), or headphones with a mic included plugged into you mobile device. – The built-in mic and speakers on your computer or mobile device might not pick up your audio as clearly as a headset, because built-in microphones on your computer or webcam can pick up other noise and cause an echo. See Connect to Audio using the Internet (Mic and Speakers) to learn how to select Computer Mode. –If you want to connect with your mic and speakers then you need to make sure GoToTraining is set to the right mode (or else it will not pick up your audio). Make sure you have selected Computer mode in GoToTraining.They should then try the following troubleshooting tips below. When the unwanted noise returns, the most recently unmuted participant can be identified as the source of the echo.Unmute each attendee one at a time, and have them start speaking.Otherwise, try these steps to determine who is causing the feedback: If the "Who's talking" notification shows you who is speaking when the unwanted noise occurs, try muting that individual. – In this case, it can be unclear who is the source of the feedback. All participants can hear the unwanted noise.

– We hate to break it to you – but the source is probably you! Try using the troubleshooting tips below. Everyone except me can hear the unwanted noise.